Turner Broadcasting Taps Brightcove to Expand Online Video Business

This morning we announced a deal with Turner Broadcasting to support the organization's online video content in the UK, Spain, France, Italy, Germany and other countries throughout Europe. Turner Broadcasting will use the Brightcove platform to expand its ad-supported video offerings and to introduce a variety of new programming across its Web portals. The first sites to launch with Brightcove include Cartoon Network, Boomerang and Adult Swim.

Turner Broadcasting is also taking advantage of Brightcove's unique player styling features and customizable player templates to introduce localized video experiences on Cartoon Network in Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, The Netherlands, Romania, Spain and Sweden.

We are very excited to be working with Turner Broadcasting as we continue to see a growing trend amongst broadcasters to outsource their online video initiatives to proven platforms like Brightcove's. In addition to Turner Broadcasting, we also work with ITV, Channel 4, Five, British Sky Broadcasting, UKTV, STV, SKY.it and Sky Deutschland.

This news is also important as it points to some interesting growth trends in the UK broadcast sector that Brightcove has been tracking over the past year.

  • In 2007, UK broadcast customers uploaded an average of 250 videos per month into the Brightcove service. Today, the number is closer to 550 videos per month, representing 80 percent growth year over year.
  • The average length of video segments published online has also grown for this sector, from 1.96 minutes in 2007 to almost 3.5 minutes in 2009.

We look forward to watching these trends continue to evolve in the year ahead as our broadcast customers throughout the world expand their online video offerings and introduce new ways for consumers to engage with their content.