Product Updates and Developer Resources

On this bright and sunny Friday afternoon here at Brightcove headquarters in Cambridge, we thought it fitting to point out some of our latest and greatest product documentation and developer center articles:

Brightcove 3.3.1 is now available! This blog post from the product management team sums up the new features in the latest release, including image capture, faster/lighter players, integrated player debugger, new Advertising API methods and a built in ad-server.

Ten Brightcove SDKs Brian Deitte compiled a nice round-up of Brightcove's SDKs on his blog, Brian highlights a total of 11 SDKs, including our two Player SDKs, five Media SDKs, BEML SDK, Ad Translator SDK, Ad SWF SDK and Custom Player Component SDK. Brian also hints at more SDKs to come in the near future.

New developer center articles For the latest in how to create an iTunes feed, build easy video uploads with Echove SDK and to see an example of a built-in ad server make sure to visit the Brightcove Developer Center at