Guest Blog Post: Goodmail Systems Partners with Brightcove to Provide Video-in-Email Solutions


Earlier today, Brightcove Alliance partner Goodmail Systems announced an innovative new technology integration with the Brightcove platform that enables publishers and marketers to deliver streaming video experiences within emails.

Email & Video Equal a Winning Combination

Goodmail is proud to announce that we have partnered with Brightcove, a leading online video platform. Any Brightcove customer with good email practices can leverage the CertifiedVideo technology and quickly start including streaming video in the body of email messages that they send to subscribers.

With CertifiedVideo and Brightcove, you can:

  • Create an unparalleled interactive video experience for your customers
  • Increase viewers and views while reusing existing video assets in your email
  • Improve the effectiveness of your email marketing channel
  • Learn more about Brightcove and CertifiedVideo.

    - Goodmail Team