Brightcove 3.2 now available!

I am pleased to announce the availability of the latest Brightcove release – Brightcove 3.2. Brightcove 3.2 was designed around several themes including:

Simplifying CMS Integrations
We have added several new capabilities to Brightcove’s meta-data management system and the Media APIs to enable integrations with 3rd party CMS solutions. Specifically, Brightcove Enterprise now supports account-level custom fields for video objects. This means customers can add video meta-data fields to their account. These new fields are then available to set and read data in the Studio, through batch (FTP) ingestion and in the player and media APIs. We have also added new media APIs which lets you query your account and return a list of all modified and deleted videos. With these new capabilities customers can use a consistent set of meta-data to organize your video assets (in both Brightcove and an existing CMS) and also synchronize any changes made to video meta-data between Brightcove and an existing CMS.

Custom Publishing Application Integration
Customers who use external applications (either manual or automated) for publishing content into Brightcove will find there are new media APIs that allow more full control over video meta-data. To enable this we added a series of new media API write functions including write APIs for:

  • Custom fields
  • Geo-restriction values at the video level
  • Thumbnail and video still creation
  • URL locations for renditions when using remote assets (remote assets are used with custom CDN integrations)

These new APIs will allow easier integration between existing publishing applications and workflows and Brightcove.

Player Development Productivity
We made a series of enhancements to Brightcove’s player framework and BEML language including adding new standard BEML templates in the Studio, adding new BEML components, standardizing our event model and allowing programmatic control of related videos that are surfaced in the “Additional Videos” list in the player menu.

Advertising Ecosystem Support
For customers using Brightcove’s advertising integrations we have exposed all of the available ad translators in the Studio. We have also expanded support for Google AdSense for Video. Lastly, users of the Brightcove Professional and Enterprise editions can now integrate with Tremor Acudeo out of the box.

Reporting and Analytics
We have made several enhancements to our reporting infrastructure to allow reports to be returned faster.

In addition to these themes we are providing several other improvements to the Brightcove service including:

  • Support for Adobe Flash player 10
  • Supporting all available countries for users who are using Brightcove’s enhanced geo-filtering features
  • We now support transcoding assets uploaded through the batch (FTP) ingestion system
  • You can swap video assets for a specific title in the Studio without recreating the whole title
  • We provide better visibility into the status of uploads in the Studio
  • You can now get the JavaScript, HTML or direct URL for publishing a video in the Studio in one click

You can read more about what is in Brightcove 3.2 here: Enjoy the new features and please let us know what you think!