66X growth for the mobile web in the next 4 years

A recent report by Cisco has mobile web data usage increasing 66x by 2013 (Network World). The majority of this increase is expected to come from growth in mobile video. I can definitely say that the topic of mobile video has become increasingly important to publishers that I have spoken to over the past 3-6 months.

We have some great partners in this area that can help build WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) sites -- basically sites optimized for viewing on mobile devices, iPhone applications, and also help you to monetize the traffic that you generate. Check out our mobile partners here. These partners can integrate your Brightcove MRSS feed into an application and if you are using our H.264 format, they can even stream the content directly from your account.

Do you have plans for mobile in '09? Will be interesting to see how much growth we see this year.