It's a widget world after all

As quickly as the world has adopted video as a core means of storytelling on the web, it's been surprising to see an equally rapid explosion of video distribution and syndication online. Nearly from the beginning, Brightcove has made it easy  for its partners to offer up their programming through managed syndication and everyday viral embeds. Managed syndication is nice because distributors get a rich player to put on their sites that updates as frequently as the publisher updates their content. But that worked for content from just one publisher at a time. That's all changing. 

We're pleased to show off the first of several new approaches today, with more to come later in the week. We're opening the content treasure chest  - providing bloggers and site publishers many new ways to take content to go from across Brightcove's many incredible partners.

Our partner YourMinis has created a neat, configurable widget that has lots of great features.

  • Choose from pre-programmed channels of content, search on any keyword, or enter in any feed URL to populate the widget.
  • Resize to fit the width and shape of your site
  • Configure colors and background images to match your site design

So head on over to YourMinis and configure a rich feed from the Brightcove library for your site. Let us know what you think, and check back for some more syndication goodness later this week.