OutZone in WSJ

There's been a flurry of recent coverage around online video in most of the major papers, with some great analysis on the radical trends that are taking root in how we both find and watch our TV. It's been nice to see our partner OutZone get coverage in today's WSJ as well as a recent issue of Entertainment Weekly.

"When it comes to tapping into the boom in Web video, Big TV is in hot pursuit of an utterly foreign strategy: smaller is better. The networks are launching a blitz of broadband channels for decidedly niche audiences.

NBC Universal, a unit of General Electric Co., is developing video sites aimed at gay men (OutzoneTV.com), comedy fans (DotComedy.com) and TV junkies (BrilliantButCancelled.com)." - Brooks Barnes, Wall Street Journal

OutZone does a great job of pulling bite-sized programming from across various NBCU properties into one, highly focused broadband channel. This is a great model - one we wholeheartedly believe in. Strong content focus, married with targeted brand development and polished programming. It's great to see the OutZone team getting this credit. We're looking forward to seeing more networks repackage their programming in this fashion.